
Development Tools track

The Linux kernel is one of the largest and highly configurable open source software projects. It has hundreds of developers and these developers have a wide range of expertise. Tools to help developers and maintainers are becoming increasingly important in the Linux development process. Some familiar examples are git for source code management, checkpatch for enforcing coding style, and quilt for managing patches.

In recent years, a number of new tools have been created to aide in various aspects of the development process. These include tools for understanding the source code, finding various kinds of bugs, and performing source code evolutions. This track will present some of these tools. There will additionally be an opportunity to discuss how tool usage can be improved and what kind of tools are still needed.


Proposals for this track

* Ad Hoc Synchronization Considered Harmful

A characteristic study on ad hoc synchronization in software systems and a tool called SyncFinder to automatically identify and annotate them. (slides)
Development Tools 03/30/2011
Weiwei Xiong

* Codemap, google maps for source code

Codemap is a semantic source code visualizer helping to navigate, visualize and search a large codebase using ideas similar to google maps. (slides)
Development Tools 04/29/2011
yoann padioleau

* Diagnosing Linux/Firmware related Issues with the Firmware Test Suite

Discussion on how to automatically diagnose firmware issue that can affect Linux. (slides)
Development Tools 04/20/2011
Colin King

* Finding and burying Configuration Defects in Linux with the undertaker

Finding and burying Configuration Defects in Linux with the undertaker (slides)
Development Tools 03/20/2011
Reinhard Tartler

* Killing Bugs in C with Smatch

An introduction to the Smatch static checker and a look at the future. (slides)
Development Tools 04/22/2011
Dan Carpenter

* Reducing your patch workload with Patchwork

An overview and update on the Patchwork patch-tracking system. (slides)
Development Tools 04/29/2011
Jeremy Kerr

* Reproducible builds and infrastructure

You already use version control for your software, but what about your build dependencies and your system infrastructures? Come hear about Apters, our solution for reproducible builds and infrastructures. (slides)
Development Tools 05/07/2011
Josh Triplett, Jamey Sharp

* Session Lead

Tools to aid in the development of Linux code
Development Tools 03/30/2011
Julia Lawall

* Tolerating hardware device failures in software

Improving reliability of Linux device drivers against hardware failures and hardware specification bugs (slides)
Development Tools 04/30/2011
Asim Kadav