
Memory cgroups: Who's using it out there?

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60 minute BoF
Scheduled: Thursday, September 8, 2011 from 6:30 – 7:30pm in Sonoma Mountain

One Line Summary

Discussion of the current or future uses of memory control groups in the real world.


Memory cgroups are a powerful, flexible kernel feature. However, their flexibility means that their deployment has been for an incredibly varied set of reasons. It is used to keep backup jobs’ from spoiling
kernel caches, keeping naughty OOM-inducing applications at bay, or even improving latency by ensuring jobs stay in RAM.

This session will pull together the kernel developers responsible for memory cgroups as well as its users. We will focus on understanding how this feature is being used, and how users want to see it used in the future.

If you have ever thought about using memory cgroups, or wondered how it can be used for a particular purpose, this is the session for you.
