Network Virtualization II track

Wednesday, September 18, 2013 from 2:004:45pm
Celestin G

The Linux Plumbers 2013 Microconference- Networking Virtualization track focuses on general Linux Network Virtualization and related technologies. Emphasis will be on emerging technologies around network virtualization and how they can be best integrated into the Linux networking stack.

The goal of the Network Virtualization track is to help guide all of this emerging technology in Linux towards some unified infrastructure and APIs.

Microconference Leaders

Tom Herbert, Chris Wright

Sessions for this track

* Improving Open vSwitch & Network Stack Integration

How can we best combine the benefits of Open vSwitch and other kernel components like Netfilter in a single system?
Network Virtualization II
Jesse Gross

* Improving overlay network performance on existing hardware

A look at performance issues found and addressed in VXLAN and NVGRE tunnel protocols, and steps we are exploring to further improve performance.
Network Virtualization II
Alexander Duyck

* Integrating NICs with embedded switches in a Linux ecosystem

Discuss current and future switch features that are or will be embedded into the NIC as well as how these features could be managed in a Linux environment.
Network Virtualization II
John Fastabend

* Intel DPDK: Data Plane Development Kit

This talk will give an overview of what the Intel DPDK is and what it is not.
Network Virtualization II
John Fastabend

* Linux as the foundation of a networking OS

A look on the common dilemma for using Linux as the foundation of a networking OS
Network Virtualization II
matty kadosh

* Locator/ID Separation Protocol in Linux

Locator/ID Separation Protocol implementation in Linux and Open vSwitch.
Network Virtualization II
Kyle Mestery, Vina Ermagan

* Network Service Headers in Linux

The implementation of the new Network Service Headers IETF draft in both Linux and Open vSwitch.
Network Virtualization II
Kyle Mestery

* TCP repair overview

A brief introduction to what TCP repair is.
Network Virtualization II
Pavel Emelianov