PCIe error statistics reporting

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One Line Summary

Report PCIe error statistics via sysfs


PCI Express Root Port Advanced Error Reporting currently only supports reporting errors to the console. Having to monitor console logs is tedious and complicated when running a large data center.

We would like to propose adding software counters to the PCIAER driver and make these accessible via sysfs.


  • The-pirate


    Jes Sorensen is a Trained Monkey on the kernel team at Facebook, where he primarily works on Software RAID and networking drivers. In addition he amuses himself by organizing Linux conferences and writing Wi-Fi device drivers when he has the time for it.

    Jes Sorensen has worked on the Linux kernel and userland since 1993. He has worked on a number of device drivers, RAID, KVM, high speed networking, Linux/ia64, Linux/m68k, the system libraries (glibc), and high-end NUMA systems.