13–15 Nov 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

BPF is not a -rt debuging tool

13 Nov 2018, 14:20
Pavillion/Ballroom-C (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center)


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center

RT MC topics CfP RT MC


Xenomai offers a wonderful debugging feature: whenever a realtime thread calls an non-rt safe syscall, SIGXCPU is delivered. That is particular helpful for users which build their application on top of libraries. Often it is not clear what the side effects of a library call is.

What options are there to implement something similiar to SIGXCPU? A simple prototype using BPF showed the limits of BPF (similiar experience as Joel descripes in "BPFd: Running BCC tools remotely across systems and architectures" https://lwn.net/Articles/744522/).

A short brainstorming session with Steven, Julia and Clark showed that there are a few options to achieve the goal. In this session I would like to discuss the options (or even show what has been achieved so far).

Key participants:
- Steven Rostedt
- Julia Cartwright
- Clark Williams
- Sebastian Andrzej Siewior
- Thomas Gleixner

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Primary author

Wagner Daniel (Siemens AG)

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