9–11 Sept 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Reuse host JIT back-end as offload back-end

11 Sept 2019, 17:00
Esmerelda/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Mr JIONG WANG (Netronome Systems)


eBPF offload is a powerful feature on modern SmartNICs used to accelerate
XDP or TC based BPF. The current kernel eBPF offload infrastructure was
introduced for the Netronome NFP based SmartNICs, these were based around a
proprietary ISA and had some specific verifier requirements.

In the near future this may be joined by SmartNICs using public ISA's such
as RISC-V and Arm which also happen to be used as host CPUs. This talk will
discuss the implications of reusing these ISAs and other back-end features
for offload to a sea of cores as well as how much of a host CPU back-ends
can be reused and what additional infrastructure may be needed. As an
example we will use the current work on a many core RISC-V processor
ongoing within.

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Primary author

Mr JIONG WANG (Netronome Systems)

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