24–28 Aug 2020
US/Pacific timezone

Kernel documentation

27 Aug 2020, 08:00
Refereed Track/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)

Refereed Track/Virtual-Room

LPC Virtual

Kernel Summit Kernel Summit


Jonathan Corbet (Linux Plumbers Conference)


The long process of converting the kernel's documentation into RST is
finally coming to an end...what has that bought us? We have gone from a
chaotic pile of incomplete, crufty, and un-integrated docs to a slightly
better organized pile of incomplete, crufty, slightly better integrated
docs. Plus we have the infrastructure to make something better from here.

What are the next steps for kernel documentation? What would we really
like our docs to look like, and how might we find the resources to get
them to that point? What sorts of improvements to the build
infrastructure would be useful? I'll come with some ideas (some of which
you've certainly heard before) but will be more interested in listening.

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Primary author

Jonathan Corbet (Linux Plumbers Conference)

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